Sunday, September 15, 2013

The Art of Handmade Fragrances

As part of my aromatherapy certification, I am required to write a research paper on any aromatherapy related topic of my choosing. Since I have become so fixated as of late, my topic of choice will be perfume. Why do we wear it? What is its purpose? How is it made and why is it so important for us to impress others with our scent?

courtesy of Modern Ritual
I hope to develop a line of signature perfumes and massage oils infused with energetic qualities that not only smell nice but have therapeutic benefits. Imagine a perfume that can reduce anxiety and release energy blockages while attracting your soul mate to you all at the same time. How many commercial perfume makers can say that about their product?

Mountain Valley Growers
Is it a lofty aspiration? Perhaps but my muse is telling me not to listen to the inner critic, the one who likes to size up an idea in 30 seconds or less and doom it to failure before it even gets the chance to take its first breath. So off I go, into the wild blue, diving head first into the emotion altering world of aromatics.


  1. Tu linea de productos me parece una idea estupenda.Me encantarĂ¡ saber mas sobre eso... Un beso

  2. I find this so fascinating!! I love perfumes, but only those that smell tranquil and peaceful to me. I look forward to venture into your line of perfumes. Best wishes to you :)



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