Friday, December 16, 2011

Christmas Dress Calling the Azteclady!

I followed a suggestion I received in a comment from azteclady that I wanted to share with you with regard to adding trims to your paper outfits.

finished Christmas bustier
 You know me, I'm not big on unfinished edges especially when it comes to putting paper on top of paper as in ruffles and fringe. I will usually try to hide them in some way with glitter or ribbon.

very polished look to the ruffle
 There is another way to go about this that I've been aware of but just never tried until now. The technique is to sandwich your trim in between layers of your papers during the covering process.

leave openings to allow space for trim
 This is very easily accomplished by not adding glue to the places you want to leave open. This will allow for trims to be placed in between them later.

ruffle fits nicely in between layers
I will go over this in the video. This technique works very well if you are only applying the trim to one side. If you want it to circle the entire piece with no gaps in the sides you are still better off placing it on the outside. Thanks for the suggestion azteclady! It works great!


  1. Awesome! Love them colors, so vibrant! Looking forward to seeing the technique... Have a beautiful day!

  2. Oh my lord, that's so smart!

    And I was feeling so stupid (hence my not commenting on the other post) about my 'brilliant' idea (which totally didn't take into account the fact that one has to trim around the piece when covering the other outside).

    Thank you so very much, Kellie!

    I can't wait to see the video.

  3. Elaine Allen veallen6@optonline.netDecember 16, 2011 at 6:48 PM

    Another great idea Kellie. And I am really loving how this piece is looking.


  4. Fabulous and it looks great!!



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