Occassionally I come across an artist who just blows me away with what they can do with paper. Laetitia Mieral is one such example. She is a french artist so I can't read her blog
Merveilles en Papier but I speak paper passion fluently.
Would you believe these pieces are all done with paper mache? Standing head and shoulders above a sea of paper mache mediocrity and folk art, Laetitia takes mere child's play and transforms it into the awe inspiring work you see here.
It is moments like this that drive me to want to push my art beyond the confines of my limited thinking. Of course such an endeavor would require a healthy dose of "fear be gone." Can I get that at Home Depot? Ha!
Image Credit: Images remain the property of Laetitia Mieral and Merveilles en Papier.
Her work defies the imagination. I love the pastels she uses. That cat is a marvel and it has such a pretty face. She is a true master of her art. Thank you so much for showing this!